March 22, 2025

Career Flyes

Fly With Success

About Us

Know The Author!

Hello Friends!!!

To tell more about me I am Manali, the real face behind Career Flyes. I have taken a Master’s degree from the most renowned college in Human Resources. An HR Enthusiastic, having great experience in Recruitment, Selection, Onboarding, Career Consultancy.

Well-versed with Job Portals, Interview Process, and how to crack all the rounds of Interviews. How to develop soft skills, competencies, gestures, and confidence.

“Career Flyes is a Knowledge Sharing Blog with full fledge information on different Career Choices to choose from, Competencies required, the Entrance exams to crack, and tips to prepare for an Interview. This blog also reveals top secrets to Earn Money Online. Stay tuned!!!!”

Also, after having a long committed relationship with this unique field I have earned years of knowledge on career choices according to the key competencies of each person. For your surprise, I have also shared short-cut but sure ways to Make Money. So, reveal the surprise wrapped here.

Key skills and desired requirements that a particular Job Profile requires. And, in what way can key skills be sharpened through what? The careers option includes all options related to private, MNC’s, and also government postings.

Confused about what to choose? How to choose. Then, here is Career Flyes Blog- Career Pathfinder with versatile options to choose, crack the interview, Entrance Exam, and Postings for Job Openings.

Career is a big thing in everyone’s life. Because a bright future is dependent on the career option you choose and how you prepare for that path. Generally, your income, salary everything is based on your choice and a keen interest in that particular field.

Soon, I started consulting for career and mapping competencies for each field. I have acquired enough knowledge through a roller-coaster journey in this field. I want to share this experience and guide many. So, the most common mistakes that people make in career choices, interviews, and job applications are avoided.

The outcome of these consequences is I want every student to fly with flying colors with a particular career path he choices. And, achieve his destination and complete dream through stepping stones of success. Career flyes is a package of solutions for career options, interview skills, entrance exams, and job openings.

Let’s, explore new career paths with current updates and innovations. This is a knowledge-sharing platform where I will be sharing full-fledged information on different career choices to choose, competencies required, and how to proceed further. All interface solution searches should reach their user-friendly query solving information is our objective.

If you have any query regarding the career path and its requirements, or job postings and key skills require you can connect me. Reply to your question in the comment box. Surely I will get back to you with a reply inform of the best solution. So, be ready to join hands together to have an exciting journey of career together. Get-Career goal, Set-For interview and selection process, and Go-and here we go for Job Posting!

If you have any queries or want to say me Hi, you can reach me out at